-Safety Rules
1 small whistle means: “Attention”, follow the instructions of the lifeguard.
1 long whistle means: Current activity is over, please exit the pool.
3 short whistles mean: “Emergency situation”, stop all movements and follow the instructions of the lifeguards.
Lifeguards are not permitted to carry on conversations while supervising the pool area. Instructions provided by lifeguards must be obeyed and respected at all times.

- Only members can participate in pool activities.
- All children 12 and under must be part of a family membership.
- Children must be over 10 years old to be left alone at the pool. Otherwise, they must be supervised by an adult at all times (16 years and over).
- Babies must wear a waterproof diaper.
- All members with shoulder length or longer hair must have their hair tied back.
- All members must shower before going in the pool.
- Anyone with a contagious disease, a cold, a skin disease or suffering from a runny nose, eye or ear infection should refrain from swimming.
- Sunscreen should be applied at least 20 minutes before swimming.
- It is forbidden to dive in the pool except in the deep end reserved for this purpose.
- It is forbidden to run, push or jostle on the pool area.
- Smoking and vaping are prohibited.
- It is forbidden to drink alcohol on the pool grounds.
- Child flotation aids are not a substitute for adult supervision, and are only permitted when there is adequate adult supervision of the child.
- The lanes and the deep part of the pool are reserved for members with a swimmers or adult badge. Non-swimmers do not have access to the deep end outside of class hours.
- Only plastic containers are allowed on pool grounds. All glass containers are prohibited.
- Eating is permitted only at the picnic tables on lower deck.
- DIXIE is a member of ALPS and therefore adheres to its code of conduct, both at our pool and when traveling to other events.
- During free swim, only members with a swimmer’s or adult badge are authorized to use the slide.
- The Dixie Pool team is committed to being respectful at all times. In return, we ask all pool users to act with respect towards the staff, other members and the premises.
- A zero-tolerance policy is in effect against any form of harassment, violence and intimidation. The board of directors of the pool reserves the right to terminate the membership of members who do not respect the above regulations, without refund.
Dixie test to obtain the swimmer’s badge:
Swim two full lenghts (2 x 25 yards) of the pool with a maximum break of 15 seconds between lenghts; then tread water for 2 minutes in the deep end. A young swimmer can ask a lifeguard at any time during the season to take the test. If the child succeeds, the lifeguard will give him his swimmer badge.
Please note that lifeguards are required to enforce these regulations to ensure everyone’s safety.
Dixie Pool Association Rules
- Member privileges: Only members in good standing can access the pool (according to the schedule). They can use all the floating aids available to them. Members with the swimmer’s badge have access to the deep end of the pool. When special events prohibit public swimming, a reciprocal agreement allows members to go swimming at the Western Lachine swimming pool located at the corner of Victoria Street and 40th Avenue. Classes and special activities are reserved for members only. Other activities that may be organized by staff members are also reserved for Dixie pool members.
- Non-members: Non-members are welcome at the pool. Each non-member must pay $5 cash at the pool entrance to be admitted to the pool. Non-members under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older. Non-members will be permitted at the pool only if capacity allows.
- Medical Conditions: Please notify the pool manager at the start of the season of any medical condition of a member that could assist pool staff in an emergency.
- Closing: The pool reserves the right to close depending on the weather or exceptional circumstances.
- Badges: Members must present their badge at the entrance to the pool to gain access.
- Residence: The family membership includes only immediate family members residing at the same address. Each family membership includes two adults. A $25 fee will apply for each additional adult.
- Social Media: Occasionally photos of people at the Dixie Pool may be posted on social media by our members or Board of Directors.
The rules of the association are available here.